Friday, February 10, 2012

Hair Color Trends 2012

Hair color trends 2012 for the moment were. In my research I found three different hair color trends that would work for me- a gloss, semi permanent color, or highlights. All seemed easy and low maintenance which is critical for me in any hairstyling venture. A glaze seemed like a good idea initially as it would be subtle tint to accent my natural color, and it would be easy to do beygir home. Highlights would be a way to noticeably brighten up sections of my hair. And the semi permanent would change my hair color completely, but not drastically as the color is usually within two shades of your natural color. Ultimately I chose to go with an at-home gloss for my hair.

that particular hair color trend turned out to be the perfect one for me. I was able to do it myself and maintain the look, all without hurting my tightening budget. And I really do feel more positive and confident; confident enough to change careers and start life anew, despite the recession.


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